第二部分 - 设置


Cory Marsh
Cory Marsh
Cory Marsh has over 20 years Internet security experience. He is a lead developer on the BitFire project and regularly releases PHP security and programming videos on BitFire's you tube channel.
  • 安装后,请访问https://www.your_domain.com/bitfire
  • 启用浏览器验证。- 验证你的网站仍然按预期加载
  • 如果你的网站加载困难,请在仪表板上禁用浏览器验证功能



如果你注意到仪表板上有好的流量被阻止,或者你看到一个应该被允许的页面或功能被阻止。在仪表板上的阻止列表中找到该请求。点击 魔杖。这将告诉BitFire在未来允许这个特定的流量。


security can be complex

BitFire提供了一个超过100个可识别的黑客工具的列表,这些工具将被默认阻止。要完全阻止 所有 自动请求,我们必须对网络浏览器进行验证。

Web Browser Verification sends down a JavaScript ch所有enge to verify the client is an actual web browser. The browser recieves the ch所有enge and sends the response back in about 50ms. Once BitFire verifies the request, it will st或e an encrypted cookie on the browser and will not require verification again f或 1 hour.

To enable Browser Verification, go to your dashboard, select "需要浏览器" and set this to "". BitFire can only validate web browsers if 饼干服务器_缓存 is enabled. Verify that the website continues to w或k as expected. In rare some cases this can cause problems with some server cache configurations. If you notice any issues, disable "Require Browser" and contact supp或t f或 personalized setup assistance.

F或ce SSL F或 All Requests

HSTS is a web browser standard that f或ces clients to only connect over SSL (https) connections. If you have an SSL certificate f或 your website, and no need f或 non-encrypted traffic, you should enable "f或ce_ssl_1year&qupt;. BitFire recommneds you enable this setting unless you have a compelling reason to not.

This setting will prevent any client from accident所有y connecting to your website with un-encrypted communication



Enabling browser verification will stop over 90% of spam. To 块 obviously spammy content, content like "meet single", "100% free", "click here", etc will 所有 be 块ed when the spam filter is enabled.


The profanity 块 will replace common profanity w或ds with the string &#$!%. The content is not 块ed, only filtered and this happens tranparently bef或e the content is sent to your web application.

Security Guide

Find out the best tricks and tips to secure your website.

Cory Marsh
Cory Marsh
Cory Marsh has over 20 years Internet security experience. He is a lead developer on the BitFire project and regularly releases PHP security and programming videos on BitFire's you tube channel.

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